マジ軟派、初撮。 1518 秋葉原で出会ったボーイッシュガールを、娯楽用品の市場調査(ってテイ)でホテルへ連れ込みハメ倒す!怪しいと思いつつガードゆるゆるな彼女が、ひとたび膣へディルドーを挿れられた瞬間!トロンと蕩けた表情を浮かべながら、快感にヨガり狂うメスへと豹変する!?
Seriously easy going, first shoot. 1518 I met a boyish girl in Akihabara, and took her to a hotel for some market research on entertainment products. I fucked her! She was suspicious and had her guard down, but the moment I inserted a dildo into her vagina, she changed into a female who moaned in pleasure with a dazed look on her face!