一般男女モニタリングAV 職場の同僚ドッキリ企画 出張先のビジネスホテルで憧れの女先輩と後輩男子が2人っきりでまさかまさかの相部屋宿泊!次々と巻き起こるエッチなハプニングで急接近した同じ職場の男女が会社に内緒の生ハメセックス!翌日の仕事も忘れ没頭のけぞりイ…
Ordinary men and women monitoring AV, a surprise project for colleagues at work. At a business hotel on a business trip, a female senior and a junior male colleague who are admired by each other stay in the same room! A series of erotic happenings lead to a sudden closeness between the two men and women from the same workplace, who have raw sex without the company's knowledge! They forget about work the next day and are so engrossed in the act that they arch their backs...