古都・京都で出会った奥ゆかしく気品溢れる一児の母 藤崎ほなみ 32歳 旦那に内緒で有休を使い京都~東京日帰り 5人の男と立て続けに即挿入イカされまくりの不倫ひとり旅 敏感なカラダを襲う休みない激ピストン
Honami Fujisaki, 32, a mother of one, with a modest and elegant personality, whom I met in the ancient capital of Kyoto. She used her paid leave to go from Kyoto to Tokyo on a day trip without her husband's knowledge. She went on an adulterous solo trip, getting fucked in the act by five men one after the other, and was fucked repeatedly. Her sensitive body was assaulted by a never-ending pounding.