花火大会ナンパ 06 花火が上がる直前に彼氏と喧嘩し置いていかれた悲しき浴衣美人!傷心を癒やすかのように優しく男を包み込み、癒やし尽くしてくれる彼女に大興奮♪大胆な腰の動き、仰け反り感じる表情、もう首ったけ♪
Picking up girls at a fireworks festival 06 A sad beauty in a yukata who got into a fight with her boyfriend and was left behind right before the fireworks started! She embraces the man tenderly as if to heal his broken heart, and heals him completely. Her bold hip movements, her face as she arches her back, and you'll be mesmerized.