胸糞注意 結婚3年目住宅ローンで購入したマンションでラブラブ生活を送っていたのですが 上階にお住まいのカリスマDQN武丸先輩と言う漢の騒音問題に関して夫婦で抗議に行ったら逆ギレされて目の前で妻をヤラれてしまった時の話です 紺野ひかる
Warning: Disgusting. Three years into their marriage, the couple was living happily together in an apartment they bought with a mortgage. But when the couple went to protest the noise pollution caused by the charismatic, delinquent Takemaru-senpai who lived upstairs, he got angry and raped my wife right in front of them. Hikaru Konno