隣で妹が寝ているのに音を消さずにAVを観る兄。それに気付いた妹は見て見ぬフリをしようとするが股間は言う事を聞かず… AVではヌケなかった兄が妹の痴態を目撃!何事もなかったかのように寝ようとするも高まった性欲は抑えきれず…!
An older brother who watches AV without turning off the sound even though his sister is sleeping next to him. The younger sister who noticed it tries to pretend not to see it, but the crotch does not hear what he says ... My brother who did not see it on AV witnessed his sister's foolery! I tried to sleep as if nothing had happened, but I could not control my increased libido ...!
隣で妹が寝ているのに音を消さずにAVを観る兄。それに気付いた妹は見て見ぬフリをしようとするが股間は言う事を聞かず… AVではヌケなかった兄が妹の痴態を目撃!何事もなかったかのように寝ようとするも高まった性欲は抑えきれず…!