ヤンキー女子校生がパンチラ全開で電車を占拠! 出張でド田舎の電車に乗ったら、地元のヤンキー女子校生に車両を占拠されていた!座り込んで飲んだり食べたり化粧したりでやりたい放題の彼女たち!しかも、見慣れないボクを「都会の男だ!」と集まり悪ふざけで服を脱がさ…
Yankee schoolgirls take over the train with their panties fully exposed! When I got on a train in the countryside on a business trip, the car was occupied by local Yankee schoolgirls! They sat down, drank, ate, put on makeup, and did whatever they wanted! What's more, they gathered around me, saying "You're a city guy!" and made a prank by taking off my clothes...